Produced and Directed by
Film Topics
- Urban Planning
- Social Studies
- Urban Studies
- Critical Theory
- Economics
- Architecture
- Geography
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Film Details
Perfect length for classroom use at 28:30 min.

About the Film
The documentary looks at the emergence of uniquely global spaces in the the world’s urban centers, spaces that are the expression of extremely mobile capital and neoliberal financial deregulation. At a time when the world’s population is increasingly concentrated in cities, the film addresses the blurring of boundaries between public and private space, issues of privacy and surveillance, and grapples with urban planning and increasing inequality.
David Harvey and Edward Soja are joined by architects Carl Trimble and Garth Sheriff, and activist Sister Christine from Action for Secure Housing in London, to provide a rich and insightful commentary on the spaces and places being brought about by the shifting forces of capitalism, globalization and urbanization in cities around the world.
Praise for Hybrid City
“Hybrid City is a starkly well-photographed documentary on what the transition to a deregulated, neoliberal economy has meant for some of the major world cities, such as Atlanta, London, and Los Angeles.
Augmented by interviews with such renowned scholars as David Harvey and Edward Soja, Hybrid City depicts the class and cultural separations and polarizations that are now present in new urban architecture and landscapes, the triumph of finance capital, and the diminishing rights to the city of marginalized social groups in the world urban centers.”
Gerry Sussman
Professor, Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning, Portland State University
Hybrid City aired on the BBC and the BBC World Service in the 90s to audiences experiencing a profound and turbulent restructuring of their cities. The film has been widely acclaimed in helping viewers make sense of the startling changes then becoming visible for the first time in the lives of people in cities around the world.
Although the film has enjoyed wide broadcast distribution in the UK on BBC 2, and internationally through the BBC World Service, it is now only available to academic audiences.
The Wexner Center for the Media Arts, University of Ohio
Architecture: High and Low, Portland State University and North West Film Center
Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, Berkeley, CA
- David Harvey, Distinguished Professor of Anthropology and Geography, Graduate Center of City University of New York (CUNY)
- Edward Soja, Distinguished Professor of Urban Planning at the UCLA School of Public Affairs, and the London School of Economics
- Sister Christine, Action for Secure Housing, London, England
- Carl Trimble, Architect and Planner, Atlanta, Georgia
- Garth Sheriff, Architect, Architects-Planners-Designer for Social Responsibility, Los Angeles, California
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